I WISH this is what it looked like this year! But no, everything is still snowless. Global warming?! (This picture is from 2010.)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Don't Touch It!

I was swimming at the pool yesterday with Mom and my little sister. Actually, I think I better rephrase that. I was swimming at the pool with Mom and my little sister, and we were the only ones at the pool!
Even though there was nobody to play with, there was still a lot of room to practice my backstroke (yea!) and my sidestroke (boo!). We took snack breaks whenever the only lifeguard watching over us blew the whistle for adult swim. One time, when the lifeguard blew the whistle for free swim, I was about to get in the pool, but I stopped myself. The water looked so pretty and calm that I didn't want to get in!
But I wanted to swim, so I guess I had to step in and spoil it. I watched as the pretty, calm, water turned into waves.


Mom and I talked about it while practicing the sidestroke together. She said she felt the same way when she was a kid. It's the same thing as stepping in a fresh batch of snow: It looks so pretty that you don't want to ruin it, but you really want to play in it. Then when you start having fun, your yard begins to look messy and you start wondering why you ever stepped in the snow.
There are lots of things in life that involve the same scenario. Make a list with me:
journals (I have had big experience in THAT department!)
new shoes
art supplies
a book of tear - out coupons

While we continued to talk,Mom told me, "I think you have a blogpost coming on."

She was right.

1 comment:

  1. "She was right." Moms usually are. :-)

    It reminds me of when you put that precious new outfit on a baby...who then spits up!


Stretch your brain and think of a quirky comment!

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