I WISH this is what it looked like this year! But no, everything is still snowless. Global warming?! (This picture is from 2010.)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Eraser Invasion!

6th grade not only brings new friends(like L, who may be reading my blog. Hi!), more homework (groan), and another year of Destination Imagination (YESSSSS! *dances around the room in sheer joy**dreams about challenge*), but certain "fads from the past". Such as eraser buddies.

Introducing our new erasers!

Zeke and Zoey Zebra. These two were created on opposite sides of a Pink Pearl eraser by me and are brother and sister. They were inspired by L's love for zebras. As you can probably tell by their last name, Zeke and Zoey love zebras, too. They wear stripey clothing, own a house called "Zebra Mansion" and teach at the Zebra School in Eraser City. Zeke and Zoey love rapping and often get arrested for singing about anchovies and disturbing the peace. (????)

Spy Bob. Spy Bob was made by L's friend K. He was drawn on the eraser at the top of a pen cap (K has an erasable pen!) and patrols the city, often arresting Zeke and Zoey for anchovy related crimes. Spy Bob owns several buildings in Eraser City, including his house, the air base, and "Area 51." He likes flying over to Badger Island (K likes honey badgers) and renting a hut for vacationing.

Tiny Tim. Tiny Tim is tiny. He was made by L out of a broken eraser from a pencil. He loves hanging out around his tiny house and visiting Badger Island's underwater aquarium. Tiny Tim has a sister named Miniscule Millie and is friends with Zeke and Zoey.

Frosty Phillip. Also created by L, Frosty Phillip doesn't live in Eraser City. He lives in an igloo in the middle of nowhere, complete with a garden of icicles and sled slopes, snowglobe rooms, and Christmas rooms! His friends have not visited yet....it's very cold up there.....

I will be updating on the chaos of middle school soon (if I can survive Keyboarding first....). So, BLOG YA LATER!


  1. Poor Frosty Phillip.... He needs to send his friends some snowshoes.

  2. Hey it's L! (P.S. My name is Laney!) I love claire's blog, I read it almost every day after school! Just to let you know I am making a new eraser named Candy Cathy. She is addicted to candy! Love you claire! I'll send you another comment later!

  3. Hey Claire! It's Laney again! I love your blog! Keep up the good work! I was wondering if you, me and K could go get icecream from coldstone sometime. I'll get back to you when I have a plan!

  4. I too had an eraser pal in middle school! The big pink kind. His name was Mop and he had a hole drilled into him on one end with a rubber band looped through it. :)

    Glad you're having fun at school!

  5. K and I? Ice cream? COLDSTONE? Am I having visions, or do I smell a delicious outing? Candy Cathy sounds cool. I think I might have an eraser at home...but I lost it somewhere!!! Waa.

  6. I wonder if I could ask my mom. HOLD ON A SECOND! About two minutes later... Okay claire. I'll call you and talk about...as soon as I get your number!


Stretch your brain and think of a quirky comment!

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