I WISH this is what it looked like this year! But no, everything is still snowless. Global warming?! (This picture is from 2010.)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Eraser Explosion!

It's Life Science. Everyone is busy working on boring worksheets about lab equipment- that is, except one boy. This boy is the only one left standing after a horrific brainwash of science materials. He starts picking at the pink eraser on his pencil. He picks at it harder. It finally breaks and falls onto the floor. The boy doesn't notice. That's unusual, he thinks, suddenly wondering about the hole at the top of his Dixon pencil. How did it fall off?......

Enter Eraser City.

Because of several incidents such as the one described above(that did not actually happen from what I've seen, but it could), the population in Eraser City has suddenly increased. Between today, yesterday, and the day before, 11 new residents moved into the counties.

Here they are!

Suzuki. Suzuki got her name from a Japanese motor company. She is from Japanese descent. She loves sushi and lives next to Jean-Claude in International County. Because Suzuki was created on an eraser-plus the metal part- broken from a pencil, she gets to wear shimmery "clothes" every day. Suzuki was created by me.

Jean-Claude. Jean- Claude is a French eraser. He was created by me on a strange rubber part found under a desk that appears to be an eraser. There are rumors that Jean-Claude is opening a baguette shop in the new county, CJ County. As you know from the paragraph above, Jean-Claude lives between Suzuki and Luigi. He has a record amongst his neighbors for Biggest Mustache.

Sunshine. Sunshine is an extremely happy eraser. She lives in CJ County and is Sweet Rose's sister. (Their personalities give it away.) Sunshine, just like her name says, is always smiling like the sun and will cheer you up if you're down. She was created by me on a regular orange eraser. Sunshine is also another *tattooed resident, hers is the sun.

Lila Lemon. Lila Lemon is a regular yellow eraser created by me. She carries out a dramatic life in CJ County with her neighbors. She loves acting and started a petition to build the CJ County Playhouse. (Play house, not Playhouse.... you get the point.)  Although her last name is Lemon, Lila Lemon is always in the limelight-that is, when she's not sharing it with her eraser pals!

Shimmer. Shimmer is a yellow sparkly pencil grip with a face scribbled on who was created by Laney. She is another cousin of Sweet Rose. Her house is located in another new county, Laney County. Some of Shimmer's best talents include whipping up tasty smoothies and playing the piano. She owns Shimmer's Smoothies on an intersection in Laney County.

Tic Tac. Tic Tac is a red eraser broken from a pencil made by Laney and me. He got his name because we thought we had found an eraser on the floor, but it was a REAL Tic Tac! Tic Tac says if he had a flavor, it would be cherry. He lives in CJ County with Sunshine, Lila Lemon,Super Small Seth, and Waffle Willie.

Waffle Willie. Waffle Willie was named by K and created by me on a broken green regular eraser. He has curly hair and lives in CJ County. Waffle Willie became Cranky Christopher's friend because of their love for waffles. He owns a new restaurant (Wondrous Waffles) in CJ County as well. Waffle Willie even has a waffle tattoo! It says, in rebus form, "I Love Waffles."

Snowy. Snowy is one of Frosty Phillip's cousins. He was created by me on a white eraser broken from a pencil. Snowy lives very close to Frosty Phillip's Island on a nearby island called Freezing Warm Island, which is half cold and half hot. He is a champion at making snow angels.

The Guardian Angel. The Guardian Angel was given to me from Laney as a present. In reality, she serves as a paper clip holder. She lives in CJ County and creates happiness for all the erasers. The Guardian Angel's house is surrounded by a river and a garden and is in the center of the county.

Princess Pink. Princess Pink is Sweet Rose's cousin. She was created by me on a broken pink regular eraser. Princess Pink enjoys researching medieval times and playing dress up. She lives in the old castle in Laney County. Princess Pink, like her other cousins, shows excellent kindness and manners!

Super Small Seth. Super Small Seth is a distant cousin of Tiny Tim and Miniscule Millie. Like his cousins, he was created on a tiny scrap of a red eraser broken from a pencil. He lives in CJ County and loves music and art. The three of them even have their own song!

Stay tuned for more eraser madness.... BLOG YA LATER!

Next Time, On Claire's Creative Days... The true story of the Lays Boycott Club! The first eraser heritage chart! Plus, popular dance moves at the school dance! All this and more on the next blog posts...

*If you are a parent and have been reading about the tattoos (my mom was), THEY ARE FAKE! They are just washable. :):)=)


  1. Whew! (regarding the tattoos)

    Your writing continues to improve, CJ. The more you write, the more creative and sharp (in a technical way) your writing becomes.

    You could have a very cool book series going with all these characters. Better get those maps and charts put together for the inside covers and appendices!

  2. Claire, Claire, Claire, your mom's "write", You are becoming a better writer with every word. This, by far, is my favorite post. Keep posting! I love you claire!


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