I WISH this is what it looked like this year! But no, everything is still snowless. Global warming?! (This picture is from 2010.)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dusty Jorunals

For our contest, the winner who got the closest to the actual answer was.... Chatty Kelly!
Here were the actual answers....
Green House: Nobody! Just the plants.
White House: The President!

And now, back to the post.

Help! I can't get out of this font! I guess I'll have to type the rest of the post in it!
Unless I can think of something while in the bathroom.
One second, please...
OK. I'm done using the toilet. I didn't come up with any ideas of how to get this font off except to click the button over and over.
1.Didn't work.
2. Didn't work.

3. Sorry, more technical difficulties! It didn't work.

So let's just continue.....

Despite my computer's craziness...

I haven't been blogging lately because I have the dreaded Writer's Block. Even the stuff that might be interesting to you suddenly isn't to me! Here's what suddenly became boring before I blogged (Aak! Too many B's!):
1. I've been doing a report on sea stars.
2.I'm entering a poster about drug and alcohol abuse into our school contest.
3. Our class is having a contest to see who can think of the most baby names.
4. E and N beat S and L in our fake World Series baseball tournament at recess.
5. I just turned our Cousin Studios videos into 8 and 9 minute movies on Imovie.
6. Our entire trip to Maryland just got stuck in my sketchbook.
7. Everything else!
Darn, now I have to go downstairs and eat. Please be patient......
I'm back from breakfast.
So anyways, today I knew the only way I was going to be able to post today was if I copied something from one of the dusty journals in my closet. Mom says I have more than a college graduate! I thought I'd share a poem with you from my 3rd grade journal called Wind's Blow.

Wind's Blow
The wind blows when the
clothes are wet. It blows
the leaves of trees off
and sometimes branches.We
have to hold onProxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0

our hats.
Sometimes the wind is
angry and it's a
tornado! The trees fall
down and houses rip
apart. The plants and animals
are scared until the
storm's over.
The kids are wearing jackets
and the air is getting
chilly. The forecast
says it's going to rain
all because
of the

Well, that post was more than I expected.....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the winning entry. Woo!

    Great poem. You are very creative!


Stretch your brain and think of a quirky comment!

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