I WISH this is what it looked like this year! But no, everything is still snowless. Global warming?! (This picture is from 2010.)

Friday, September 25, 2009

I Love To Paper Punch

Lately, I've been doing a fun craft- paper punching! I paper punch animals, food, and other things and add them to the growing city on my group's desk at school.
I sit at a table at school with 4 other nice girls. Together we have constructed a place called Paper Punch World. Here are all the cool features:
1. An announcement board.
2. The sidewalk.
3. SC's Pets. This is a store that sells paper punch animals.
4. LF's Food Store. A food store that we're still making food for!
5. The Jackpot Toy Store. This store sells paper punch animals, toys, and food.
6. The Eraser Hotel. A bed and breakfast inn you can send your erasers to. It features tables made from bottle caps, beds made from erasers, and hippie posters hanging from the wall...
7. The Tourist Center. Still under construction....
8. The Recycling Bin! When we have old math worksheets, old spelling papers, etc. we put them in the Ziploc bag hanging from SW's desk and they later get used as building materials. This feature makes our little world 100% GREEN!
Got any other ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Wow - you have everything covered. You could do a town hall, but I don't know what you could put there.

    Gigi loves the little punch animals. They are SO CUTE!


Stretch your brain and think of a quirky comment!

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