I WISH this is what it looked like this year! But no, everything is still snowless. Global warming?! (This picture is from 2010.)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dwarfs and DVDs, Part 2


CJ: Dad, where do I put my 125 Cousin Studios films?
Dad: We could burn a DVD.
CJ: But Dad, not all our videos are, well, DVD-worthy....
L: (is playing recorder)
S: (is watching Pokemon: Rise Of Darkrai)
CJ: (is videotaping the movie) Quiet, L! I'm videotaping it!
(flashback ends)
CJ: So that's why. And besides, most of our cousins would rather hang out online (coughcoughYouTubecoughcough) then watch a DVD.
Dad: They'd watch it.
CJ: I doubt it. Ooh, I know! Let's look up family sharing sites on the web!
(looks up sites)
CJ: ALL the good ones cost MONEY!?! I'm doomed! Oh, where will it put my 125 Cousin Studios films???

And if anyone would be kind enough to offer a solution with their comment, it would really help. Thank you!

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Stretch your brain and think of a quirky comment!

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