I WISH this is what it looked like this year! But no, everything is still snowless. Global warming?! (This picture is from 2010.)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Time Flies.....

it was
a hot November afternoon
my neighbors and i were hiking by the creek
i was being tour guide
showing the landmarks
of the woods
that one of them had never seen before
because it wasn't in his yard.

we heard a cry
from somewhere else around the bend

it was the boy
who hid among the various trees
letting his anger
sizzle away.

we kept hiking
and figured out why he had
yelled his cry. there was
a new river
that we had never seen before
curling toward the trees
and branching away.

and he was stuck on the other side.

so we built a bridge
with a huge big stick
and just as he was about to walk across
my mom called my name.

my mom didn't know where i was
but she knew i was in the woods
but that wasn't enough.

i raced home
dragging my pants in the mud on the way
and bogging my shoes down
and rescuing them later
while running by the huge tree
then to the log pile
then to the driveway
then up to my own back porch.

my mom let my shoes sit outside
and threw my clothes in the wash
just like she did when we had that water fight.
and when i showed her the map i drew
of the new terrain
she thought it was quite amazing
but thought we weren't on the boundary line
like when we discovered what the environmentally protected area is.

and to think it happened
at least
two weeks ago.


  1. This is really beautiful, CJ.

  2. And we still need to get your sneaks into the washing machine! The rain isn't really doing the job....

    I liked how you took a regular afternoon and turned it into something more!


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