I WISH this is what it looked like this year! But no, everything is still snowless. Global warming?! (This picture is from 2010.)
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Hello from good old Maryland! This is CJ, reporting live after one day at the L\M\S house. Today described in 3 words: TRAMPOLINE! TRAMPOLINE! TRAMPOLINE! We bounced and bounced for hours and came up with cool new moves (my favorites are Endless Buttbounce and Epic Sequence). Our two new Cousin Studios movies are Trip or Treat and Trampoline Gladiators. We're playing Flashlight Tag after dinner! (Pizza, yum!) Will post soon....
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Mini Vacation
HOORAY! :):):) Mom just told me that we're heading up to the house of M, L, and S, blogger for Wii Little Movies for L's birthday! I'm excited because 1.I love traveling 2.I love relatives 3. Traveling is an excuse to chew gum. ;) I hope we will stay off the computer, play lots of Phase Ten (fun card game) and Monopoly, and hopefully make some Cousin Studios films. Speaking of Cousin Studios films, here are some highlights from The Ten Day Road Trip Of Awesomeness. :^)----[---{
Dwarf Hairstyling. J did pink, K did purple. I love the purple one's hair, don't you?
And, finally, the Music Club commercial. This is the second take; during the first one K threw a ball at J's head and yelled at her for using the Rock Band guitar. Ahh...good times.;);)
Dwarf Hairstyling. J did pink, K did purple. I love the purple one's hair, don't you?
Chips That Cheat: The Story of The Lays Boycott Club
Picture this. Your table has been called to get in the lunch line, and after purchasing your meal, your eyes dart toward the chip section. Which yummy Baked Lays snack will it be today? The salty spiced BBQ chips that take you back to grilling season? The Sour Cream and Onion chips with their mouthwatering powder that makes you lick your fingers? The Original flavored chips we all know and love? Or will you settle for a bag of Doritos or Cheetos? You select a tempting bag of BBQ, pay for it, and run the 10 yard dash back to your table. Later, after a disgusting delicious school lunch, you open your barbecue chips, looking forward to another snack of paradise.......
.....and let out a piercing scream.
Why? Because you've been ripped off. There are only about 8 or 9 large chips in the bag. Oh, who will save you from snack sorrows?
And, with an incident like this, the Lays Boycott Club was born (only in this case, Laney, a future blogger, bought BBQ and Vicky, blogger for Vicky's Fun Times, got Original). Everybody agreed to start the protest with a letter to Frito-Lay. But wait! What was their address? Luckily, I found it at the bottom of the package.
One "B Day" and afternoon later- TA-DA! The letter was complete-and typed! Here is the final draft:
.....and let out a piercing scream.
Why? Because you've been ripped off. There are only about 8 or 9 large chips in the bag. Oh, who will save you from snack sorrows?
And, with an incident like this, the Lays Boycott Club was born (only in this case, Laney, a future blogger, bought BBQ and Vicky, blogger for Vicky's Fun Times, got Original). Everybody agreed to start the protest with a letter to Frito-Lay. But wait! What was their address? Luckily, I found it at the bottom of the package.
One "B Day" and afternoon later- TA-DA! The letter was complete-and typed! Here is the final draft:
September 15, 2010
Dear Frito-Lay,
We could be sending you this letter for many different reasons. We could be complimenting you on your perfectly salted chips. We could be marveling at your commercials. But, unfortunately, this is not a happy letter. This is a letter of complaint.
On the thirteenth of September, some members of our organization opened bags of your chips and gasped in horror. There were only a few large chips in the bag, and everything else was just air. The customers were very unsatisfied. “These chips are a rip-off!” declared Vicky, and everyone agreed. You have a product that tastes good, so can’t you put more of it in the bag and let consumers get their money’s worth of the product?
So basically, it all boils down to this. Make some improvements to your chips, or we will start a boycott and never eat Lays chips again.
The Lays Boycott Club
“Sending letters to Lays so they change their ways”
Pretty impressive for a couple of kids, huh? There were plenty of other plans besides the letter, though. K wanted to set up a Facebook page. I was planning to write about it here. (And here I am now!!) Laney and Vicky decided to make signs and buttons.
But would it all work?
To Be Continued....
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Eraser Explosion!
It's Life Science. Everyone is busy working on boring worksheets about lab equipment- that is, except one boy. This boy is the only one left standing after a horrific brainwash of science materials. He starts picking at the pink eraser on his pencil. He picks at it harder. It finally breaks and falls onto the floor. The boy doesn't notice. That's unusual, he thinks, suddenly wondering about the hole at the top of his Dixon pencil. How did it fall off?......
Enter Eraser City.
Because of several incidents such as the one described above(that did not actually happen from what I've seen, but it could), the population in Eraser City has suddenly increased. Between today, yesterday, and the day before, 11 new residents moved into the counties.
Here they are!
Suzuki. Suzuki got her name from a Japanese motor company. She is from Japanese descent. She loves sushi and lives next to Jean-Claude in International County. Because Suzuki was created on an eraser-plus the metal part- broken from a pencil, she gets to wear shimmery "clothes" every day. Suzuki was created by me.
Jean-Claude. Jean- Claude is a French eraser. He was created by me on a strange rubber part found under a desk that appears to be an eraser. There are rumors that Jean-Claude is opening a baguette shop in the new county, CJ County. As you know from the paragraph above, Jean-Claude lives between Suzuki and Luigi. He has a record amongst his neighbors for Biggest Mustache.
Sunshine. Sunshine is an extremely happy eraser. She lives in CJ County and is Sweet Rose's sister. (Their personalities give it away.) Sunshine, just like her name says, is always smiling like the sun and will cheer you up if you're down. She was created by me on a regular orange eraser. Sunshine is also another *tattooed resident, hers is the sun.
Lila Lemon. Lila Lemon is a regular yellow eraser created by me. She carries out a dramatic life in CJ County with her neighbors. She loves acting and started a petition to build the CJ County Playhouse. (Play house, not Playhouse.... you get the point.) Although her last name is Lemon, Lila Lemon is always in the limelight-that is, when she's not sharing it with her eraser pals!
Shimmer. Shimmer is a yellow sparkly pencil grip with a face scribbled on who was created by Laney. She is another cousin of Sweet Rose. Her house is located in another new county, Laney County. Some of Shimmer's best talents include whipping up tasty smoothies and playing the piano. She owns Shimmer's Smoothies on an intersection in Laney County.
Tic Tac. Tic Tac is a red eraser broken from a pencil made by Laney and me. He got his name because we thought we had found an eraser on the floor, but it was a REAL Tic Tac! Tic Tac says if he had a flavor, it would be cherry. He lives in CJ County with Sunshine, Lila Lemon,Super Small Seth, and Waffle Willie.
Waffle Willie. Waffle Willie was named by K and created by me on a broken green regular eraser. He has curly hair and lives in CJ County. Waffle Willie became Cranky Christopher's friend because of their love for waffles. He owns a new restaurant (Wondrous Waffles) in CJ County as well. Waffle Willie even has a waffle tattoo! It says, in rebus form, "I Love Waffles."
Snowy. Snowy is one of Frosty Phillip's cousins. He was created by me on a white eraser broken from a pencil. Snowy lives very close to Frosty Phillip's Island on a nearby island called Freezing Warm Island, which is half cold and half hot. He is a champion at making snow angels.
The Guardian Angel. The Guardian Angel was given to me from Laney as a present. In reality, she serves as a paper clip holder. She lives in CJ County and creates happiness for all the erasers. The Guardian Angel's house is surrounded by a river and a garden and is in the center of the county.
Princess Pink. Princess Pink is Sweet Rose's cousin. She was created by me on a broken pink regular eraser. Princess Pink enjoys researching medieval times and playing dress up. She lives in the old castle in Laney County. Princess Pink, like her other cousins, shows excellent kindness and manners!
Super Small Seth. Super Small Seth is a distant cousin of Tiny Tim and Miniscule Millie. Like his cousins, he was created on a tiny scrap of a red eraser broken from a pencil. He lives in CJ County and loves music and art. The three of them even have their own song!
Stay tuned for more eraser madness.... BLOG YA LATER!
Next Time, On Claire's Creative Days... The true story of the Lays Boycott Club! The first eraser heritage chart! Plus, popular dance moves at the school dance! All this and more on the next blog posts...
*If you are a parent and have been reading about the tattoos (my mom was), THEY ARE FAKE! They are just washable. :):)=)
Enter Eraser City.
Because of several incidents such as the one described above(that did not actually happen from what I've seen, but it could), the population in Eraser City has suddenly increased. Between today, yesterday, and the day before, 11 new residents moved into the counties.
Here they are!
Suzuki. Suzuki got her name from a Japanese motor company. She is from Japanese descent. She loves sushi and lives next to Jean-Claude in International County. Because Suzuki was created on an eraser-plus the metal part- broken from a pencil, she gets to wear shimmery "clothes" every day. Suzuki was created by me.
Jean-Claude. Jean- Claude is a French eraser. He was created by me on a strange rubber part found under a desk that appears to be an eraser. There are rumors that Jean-Claude is opening a baguette shop in the new county, CJ County. As you know from the paragraph above, Jean-Claude lives between Suzuki and Luigi. He has a record amongst his neighbors for Biggest Mustache.
Sunshine. Sunshine is an extremely happy eraser. She lives in CJ County and is Sweet Rose's sister. (Their personalities give it away.) Sunshine, just like her name says, is always smiling like the sun and will cheer you up if you're down. She was created by me on a regular orange eraser. Sunshine is also another *tattooed resident, hers is the sun.
Lila Lemon. Lila Lemon is a regular yellow eraser created by me. She carries out a dramatic life in CJ County with her neighbors. She loves acting and started a petition to build the CJ County Playhouse. (Play house, not Playhouse.... you get the point.) Although her last name is Lemon, Lila Lemon is always in the limelight-that is, when she's not sharing it with her eraser pals!
Shimmer. Shimmer is a yellow sparkly pencil grip with a face scribbled on who was created by Laney. She is another cousin of Sweet Rose. Her house is located in another new county, Laney County. Some of Shimmer's best talents include whipping up tasty smoothies and playing the piano. She owns Shimmer's Smoothies on an intersection in Laney County.
Tic Tac. Tic Tac is a red eraser broken from a pencil made by Laney and me. He got his name because we thought we had found an eraser on the floor, but it was a REAL Tic Tac! Tic Tac says if he had a flavor, it would be cherry. He lives in CJ County with Sunshine, Lila Lemon,Super Small Seth, and Waffle Willie.
Waffle Willie. Waffle Willie was named by K and created by me on a broken green regular eraser. He has curly hair and lives in CJ County. Waffle Willie became Cranky Christopher's friend because of their love for waffles. He owns a new restaurant (Wondrous Waffles) in CJ County as well. Waffle Willie even has a waffle tattoo! It says, in rebus form, "I Love Waffles."
Snowy. Snowy is one of Frosty Phillip's cousins. He was created by me on a white eraser broken from a pencil. Snowy lives very close to Frosty Phillip's Island on a nearby island called Freezing Warm Island, which is half cold and half hot. He is a champion at making snow angels.
The Guardian Angel. The Guardian Angel was given to me from Laney as a present. In reality, she serves as a paper clip holder. She lives in CJ County and creates happiness for all the erasers. The Guardian Angel's house is surrounded by a river and a garden and is in the center of the county.
Princess Pink. Princess Pink is Sweet Rose's cousin. She was created by me on a broken pink regular eraser. Princess Pink enjoys researching medieval times and playing dress up. She lives in the old castle in Laney County. Princess Pink, like her other cousins, shows excellent kindness and manners!
Super Small Seth. Super Small Seth is a distant cousin of Tiny Tim and Miniscule Millie. Like his cousins, he was created on a tiny scrap of a red eraser broken from a pencil. He lives in CJ County and loves music and art. The three of them even have their own song!
Stay tuned for more eraser madness.... BLOG YA LATER!
Next Time, On Claire's Creative Days... The true story of the Lays Boycott Club! The first eraser heritage chart! Plus, popular dance moves at the school dance! All this and more on the next blog posts...
*If you are a parent and have been reading about the tattoos (my mom was), THEY ARE FAKE! They are just washable. :):)=)
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Reasons Why Keybording Should Be Illegal
1. You know how in the media, people keep talking about how we'll become obese if we don't get enough excersise? You know how much we've learned about "reducing screen time" in gym over the years? Well, guess what? Thanks to Keyboarding, we get an extra ninety minutes of screen time every other day.
2. Keyboarding too often (like during ninety minute periods, hint hint) can cause one of the most severe injuries known to man (and woman): FINGER CRAMP. This horrible problem is even worse than stomach butterflies and writer's cramp! (In that case, it must be pretty bad!)
3. In Language Arts, we've learned about using descriptive words when writing a story.
Instead of this: I went home on the first day of school.
Write this: I raced home, my feet dancing on the pavement, on a first day of school I was bound to never forget.
Well, in Keyboarding, we've learned enough letters to write some great descriptive and just plain old unique words. Here's a list:
salad dressing
silent judges
OK! Some of these are phrases. I don't care. My point is that whoever wrote the Keyboarding computer program manual must have flunked Language Arts and spent all of his or her time thinking of boring words to torture us, such as....
Yawn. Where's my blanket.....
4. Again, this is LA (Language Arts) related. We have been told over the years not to read in a drawling monotone and add excitment! and adventure! to the story by reading with feeling.
How much feeling do you think a Keyboarding teacher is using while they read off "a, space...a semi semi, space, asdjkdlf, space....." from a computer screen in a drawling monotone? Zero.
5. It's just plain boring, and no kid should have to spend the remainder of their middle school years turning into a little secretary.
I rest my case.
2. Keyboarding too often (like during ninety minute periods, hint hint) can cause one of the most severe injuries known to man (and woman): FINGER CRAMP. This horrible problem is even worse than stomach butterflies and writer's cramp! (In that case, it must be pretty bad!)
3. In Language Arts, we've learned about using descriptive words when writing a story.
Instead of this: I went home on the first day of school.
Write this: I raced home, my feet dancing on the pavement, on a first day of school I was bound to never forget.
Well, in Keyboarding, we've learned enough letters to write some great descriptive and just plain old unique words. Here's a list:
salad dressing
silent judges
OK! Some of these are phrases. I don't care. My point is that whoever wrote the Keyboarding computer program manual must have flunked Language Arts and spent all of his or her time thinking of boring words to torture us, such as....
Yawn. Where's my blanket.....
4. Again, this is LA (Language Arts) related. We have been told over the years not to read in a drawling monotone and add excitment! and adventure! to the story by reading with feeling.
How much feeling do you think a Keyboarding teacher is using while they read off "a, space...a semi semi, space, asdjkdlf, space....." from a computer screen in a drawling monotone? Zero.
5. It's just plain boring, and no kid should have to spend the remainder of their middle school years turning into a little secretary.
I rest my case.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Intresting Islands and Honey Badger Madness
Eraser City, as you may know, has two major islands outside the mainland. I have never gone into them in depth, so here goes....
Badger Island is the perfect getaway when searching for a warm, sunny spot to live out your vacation dreams. There are bamboo cabins, a smoothie and souvenir shack, and awesome party spaces on the docks! If you like studying the science of the ocean rather than surfing in it, there is an observation deck, underwater museum, and a field full of honey badgers to study. Unfortunately, as convicts leaving the jail in Chaotic County using the secret passage found out, there's an underwater prison, too. Spy Bob often heads here for relaxation after chasing down erasers who rap about anchovies (hint, hint).
Frosty Phillip's Island is where you should go if you're searching for something that is the exact opposite of Badger Island! It is FREEZING and snows every day year round. The population is ten: erasers one, polar bears nine. That doesn't mean you can't have fun, though! Frosty Phillip is happy to let tourists into his home to hold sledding contests, make snowmen, and buy snow globes. If you want to buy hot chocolate and other groceries or chow down on a lemon-lime icee, make sure to check the convenience store and slushie shack. If your feet are sinking in snow, you can get snowshoes for free at the local shop. And if you just want to get out before you become an ice cube, stop by Freezin' Flights Travel Agency!
Each island also has mini islands. Badger Island has Little Badger Island and Mini Badger Island, and Frosty Phillip's Island has The Island Of The Wild Polar Bears.
Now......on to the honey badgers.
When Eraser City was still springing up, all of the buildings were being named after stuff Laney, K, and I were obsessed with. Laney and I are crazy about zebras, and K loves honey badgers. It's very random, but what can I say, he loves honey badgers! If you counted how many things in Eraser City were named after honey badgers, you'd be surprised....
*The Honey Badger Blast at the amusement park.
*Honey Island at the water park.
*Badger Island.
*Honey Badger resturant.
*The Honey Badger Hotel.
*Annnnnd....there was that dance Laney and I made up about Lays bags, zebras, and slow dancing that had honey badgers in it........
So, in other words, a lot, not counting the stuff I missed! I guess this is going to be another one of our quirks this year.
Next Time, On Claire's Creative Days....Jean-Claude moves to International County! Reasons why Keyboarding should be illegal! Plus, the story of the Lays Boycott Club! All this and more in the next few posts....
Badger Island is the perfect getaway when searching for a warm, sunny spot to live out your vacation dreams. There are bamboo cabins, a smoothie and souvenir shack, and awesome party spaces on the docks! If you like studying the science of the ocean rather than surfing in it, there is an observation deck, underwater museum, and a field full of honey badgers to study. Unfortunately, as convicts leaving the jail in Chaotic County using the secret passage found out, there's an underwater prison, too. Spy Bob often heads here for relaxation after chasing down erasers who rap about anchovies (hint, hint).
Frosty Phillip's Island is where you should go if you're searching for something that is the exact opposite of Badger Island! It is FREEZING and snows every day year round. The population is ten: erasers one, polar bears nine. That doesn't mean you can't have fun, though! Frosty Phillip is happy to let tourists into his home to hold sledding contests, make snowmen, and buy snow globes. If you want to buy hot chocolate and other groceries or chow down on a lemon-lime icee, make sure to check the convenience store and slushie shack. If your feet are sinking in snow, you can get snowshoes for free at the local shop. And if you just want to get out before you become an ice cube, stop by Freezin' Flights Travel Agency!
Each island also has mini islands. Badger Island has Little Badger Island and Mini Badger Island, and Frosty Phillip's Island has The Island Of The Wild Polar Bears.
Now......on to the honey badgers.
When Eraser City was still springing up, all of the buildings were being named after stuff Laney, K, and I were obsessed with. Laney and I are crazy about zebras, and K loves honey badgers. It's very random, but what can I say, he loves honey badgers! If you counted how many things in Eraser City were named after honey badgers, you'd be surprised....
*The Honey Badger Blast at the amusement park.
*Honey Island at the water park.
*Badger Island.
*Honey Badger resturant.
*The Honey Badger Hotel.
*Annnnnd....there was that dance Laney and I made up about Lays bags, zebras, and slow dancing that had honey badgers in it........
So, in other words, a lot, not counting the stuff I missed! I guess this is going to be another one of our quirks this year.
Next Time, On Claire's Creative Days....Jean-Claude moves to International County! Reasons why Keyboarding should be illegal! Plus, the story of the Lays Boycott Club! All this and more in the next few posts....
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Eraser City Goes Global
If you read the breaking news at the bottom of the post about ducks, limo rides, and subscriptions, you may know that this post is about Eraser City going global, which is exactly what has happened thanks to International County. International County hosts a variety of cultural eateries (including another restaurant by Cranky Christopher: IHOW! The International House of Waffles), the library, the My Little Pony Song Writing Headquarters (Don't ask), the Zebra Peace Gardens, and two new residents from around the world. Introducing......
Josephina Paper. Josephina is Mexican and is (gasp) not actually an eraser. Because we were having an eraser shortage, we drew her face on a scrap of notebook paper. Josephina was created by me and is bilingual. She loves tacos and will probably become friends with Hot Tamale after meeting him. (They are both big taco lovers!)
Luigi. Luigi is not a Mario character in this case, but a white eraser (again) broken from a pencil created by me. He loves Italy so much that he got a tattoo of the Italian flag on his back! A big pizza lover, Luigi lives two houses down from Josephina. The house in the middle is for my duck. (Yes, I made my GA duck a house in Eraser City!)
I promised Mom that I'd play Othello after snack. So until next time.... Blog ya later!
P.S. Breaking Eraser News! Learn about the chain of islands and their islands! Find out some weird facts about the importance of badgers in the eraser world! All this and more in the next blog post....
Josephina Paper. Josephina is Mexican and is (gasp) not actually an eraser. Because we were having an eraser shortage, we drew her face on a scrap of notebook paper. Josephina was created by me and is bilingual. She loves tacos and will probably become friends with Hot Tamale after meeting him. (They are both big taco lovers!)
Luigi. Luigi is not a Mario character in this case, but a white eraser (again) broken from a pencil created by me. He loves Italy so much that he got a tattoo of the Italian flag on his back! A big pizza lover, Luigi lives two houses down from Josephina. The house in the middle is for my duck. (Yes, I made my GA duck a house in Eraser City!)
I promised Mom that I'd play Othello after snack. So until next time.... Blog ya later!
P.S. Breaking Eraser News! Learn about the chain of islands and their islands! Find out some weird facts about the importance of badgers in the eraser world! All this and more in the next blog post....
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Subscriptions and DUCKS!
So, here I am in History, about to go to some assembly about a magazine subscription sale our school does for fundraising, sponsored by Great American Opportunities. I'm thinking....Yawn.
That is, until I actually got there!
When I did, they were playing Hey Soul Sister (catchy!!). And that was just the beginning! Apparently, now by doing magazine sales, we can help out our school and do fun things, too. The more magazines we sell, the more cool prizes we can win, including....
*An inflatables party in our gym!
* A stretch limo ride to Cici's.( with meatless sauce....unlike the cafeteria....)
* A speaker that lets us play our Mp3 music out loud. (Handy when watching Chopped with cousins!)
*.....and last, but certainly not least.....
The mailman duck I won already for turning in some letters for relatives about our sale. He came with a bag of Warheads so I could "feed" him. Most of them ended up in my stomach, though. When I make my first sale on GA's (Great American's) website, then I'll win the duck with the laptop. There are a few other ducks up for grabs, but I couldn't find images for them. Boo hoo. :(
I'll post more about the sale in the future, but for now, I have to say....Blog Ya Later!
P.S. ERASER NEWS FLASH! Eraser City goes global! Meet Josefina and Luigi! All this and more in the next blog post....
That is, until I actually got there!
When I did, they were playing Hey Soul Sister (catchy!!). And that was just the beginning! Apparently, now by doing magazine sales, we can help out our school and do fun things, too. The more magazines we sell, the more cool prizes we can win, including....
*An inflatables party in our gym!
* A stretch limo ride to Cici's.( with meatless sauce....unlike the cafeteria....)
* A speaker that lets us play our Mp3 music out loud. (Handy when watching Chopped with cousins!)
*.....and last, but certainly not least.....
The mailman duck I won already for turning in some letters for relatives about our sale. He came with a bag of Warheads so I could "feed" him. Most of them ended up in my stomach, though. When I make my first sale on GA's (Great American's) website, then I'll win the duck with the laptop. There are a few other ducks up for grabs, but I couldn't find images for them. Boo hoo. :(
I'll post more about the sale in the future, but for now, I have to say....Blog Ya Later!
P.S. ERASER NEWS FLASH! Eraser City goes global! Meet Josefina and Luigi! All this and more in the next blog post....
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